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Question - Why You Should Change.



Co-Founder, Head Analytics and Technology,


Embracing change vs Becoming the Change

There were times when we listened to Radio and get updates in a very structured manner within a stipulated time. Now the radio has metamorphized into a new form in cars, mobiles and malls, used as a medium of change than getting news updates. According to researchers, broadcast radio reaches 99% of the Indian population today.

Likewise in every field, change is inevitable and we are embracing the change sometimes subconsciously. As many of us know ICICI bank started online banking in 1996. Digital payments were seen as a threat. and people were reluctant to use them as the currency at hand gave them more confidence. Now most of us right from roadside vendors to big business giants live on digital payments. In the financial year 2022, over 72 billion digital transactions were recorded across the country.

So what causes change? First, the CHANGE itself and then embracing that change makes a big difference. When cab aggregators OLA started in India, many will not believe it, in their first year, app bookings were in single digits. Then they challenged the system and slowly became the cause of CHANGE in the mobility sector. During the pandemic, the education sector was affected the most and most of the private schools shifted to ONLINE, we embraced that change as well, as Hobson's choice.

Ok, is it logical to say, we embrace the changes around us and move on to win in life?

Not really, embracing alone will not be sufficient. We should be honest to voice out if the change is only because we like it or to see if it actually brings good to us and to our society. The change has to be ethical, follow the rules and serve a common future purpose.

We may acknowledge human civilization today has been far more open in accepting diverse economic/cultural/religious/educational and operational changes than our cave-staying ancestors. But is that change alone sufficient, has our LIFE really changed towards good? Everything moves so rapidly in our modern world. There is pressure to adapt much faster today than we have had to in the past. We are exposed to an overload of information and expected to somehow make sense of it and apply it to our daily lives.

Changes are more happening at shallow levels in humans and in our society than in the Deeper CORE.

CHANGE should become broader and deeper, embracing accepting People with open minds. For example, Technology in Education is one aspect of change, but the real deep change in education should be reaching each and every child in its true purpose - free or at a minimal cost and with the purpose of bringing out the shine in every child. And not by turning Education into a Big industry to thrive.

Digital payments were broader and made our life a lot easier. Still, for it to become deep we should create opportunities for self-employment, and entrepreneurship to really boost Make in India at that city, town, or village level.

All the more accepting external change alone is not sufficient for your happiness, we should bring in change from within ourselves to access our eternal Happiness. So, first, start the change within you to embrace happiness and spread it around you.

Check our Self-transformation programs on our website, where we help you to identify the Change that you can make in you to reach the desired/common goals.

Picture credit: pexels

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