After a decade-long career break and continuing to handle the graceful responsibility of a busy mom with two kids, I decided to take up the new responsibility of CTO in Peopleverse recently.
I am writing this blog to mark the special moment of Mother’s Day. It is a ringside view of my perspectives watching my former colleagues, friends, and family traversing through the whirlwind of Pandemic, work, and family.
Once Talk of the town “Hybrid Work” model has been more or less normalized across organizations with 3 days in the office and 2 days at home or anywhere. This employee-centric work model adds more flexibility, with a promise to proportionate more productivity. The bargain was a healthy model wherein you get to meet your colleagues and most importantly, the reduction or no travel time which is a boon in many congested metropolitan cities.
So what else do we need to have a powerful hybrid model. Technical skills are mostly taken care of when a person is hired.
In the future megatrends of human skills for the new ways of work, these are my bucket picks of skills that will make you stand out;
Self-awareness and discipline.
Knowledge to craft your career. Click to join our online program
Teamwork and Motivation as a skill to collaborate
Leadership mindset
Sense of belonging and accountability to any level in the organization and customers
Helping Colleagues with their needs.
All these skills need to be learned or honed for the future/Present “HYBRID Model”. We were forced to use the model due to the PANDEMIC and what matters now is how Organizations and employees are going to take it forward with responsibility.
We need to look to identify and develop resources in these skill sets for a better working Hybrid Work Model.
The water cooler conversations and harmless gossip over coffee will help you to understand mental wellbeing, exchange ideas, sorting out dynamics and conflicts.
Business leaders need to look for more opportunities to connect with the employees and explore how to keep their team engaged and motivated.
Here are some simple ideas;
· Publish your Training calendar across your Businesses
· Make Upskilling and Reskilling part of your 1:1 discussions
· Encourage your employees to take up Certifications in soft skills
· Inhouse app or digital platform to reach Anyone (Formally/Informally)- Access
· Promote Healthy Lifestyle Programs
· Focus on innovation pipeline; from ideas to prototypes to patents to production
· Create a Problem and Challenges forum, for employees to collaborate, faced under one or many businesses
· Open Informal Forums
And Ta-da is a “HEALTHY HYBRID MODEL” hack for you.
Oops, the most important thing for the success of Hybrid work. Being a CTO if you are wondering why I didn’t write on it. What is that???? Well, Cyber Security – Which I will explore in my next blog with a Cup of Coffee.