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Spot your Star Employees. Do not box them.


Today I am showcasing which not many talks or write about. In 23 years of my work life, I am bestowed with the natural penchant to spot talent. So I was always given the most challenging task to identify hi-potential employees across levels and planning successions to key and crucial positions in business leadership including that of CEOs and boards across 9 countries in Asia, Europe and NA. After some point in time, I developed my own model, because the industry practices were not moving with time. As this work needs patience and a deep mind and not boxes to fill.

I have tracked the life of star prodigies, who peak early in their life right in their school, but after some years, their whereabouts become unknown. The world tracks rags-to-riches stories, but the before and after are forgotten. The majority of the people who lead an average normal peak life don't even show up as inspirations to many, not even as blips on the Organization's future radar. But ironically they move Organizations from Point A to Point B.

Presenting (only the partial) here the model we developed in Peopleverse, showcasing how the peak potential of a human pan out at different points in time.

1. Everyone will peak at some point in their life.

2. Display of Peak potential will not stay permanent. At some point in time, you have to visit the pit stop to recharge.

3. I have seen people with no educational, communication finesse, or lineage, lead elite big groups like a breeze.

4. I have seen so-called premier school grads crumble like a cookie.

5. I have also seen people from premier schools do well and those from nowhere not do well.

6. What makes me laugh today is how practice leaders are complicating themselves by overly depending on psychometric tests and not-so-mature analytical tools to decide the future of employees. Forgetting the fact, human decisions have to involve humans.

At Peopleverse we are allergic to Psychometric assessments, as our practices are designed with neuroscience, our primary belief is people will change if we show them how to.

Today we have been collaborating with our customers and hetero generations of employees, demonstrating to spot, develop and groom them in a natural simple way.

We have demonstrated employee self-transformation unholding just in the span of 30 days using our STEP-Ace, a neuroscience-designed coaching program.

I am no one to pass judgement on the employee practices of Organizations. But I leave you with a story to reflect on, this is of a sage, who had to tie his cat to the chair before he performed his prayers, as it used to disturb him. After his time, his followers took over, not knowing the INTENT, they blindly followed the practice. One day it so happened there was no cat, so the followers went searching in the village, found a cat, tied it to the chair, and then started to perform the prayers.

What do you think about this, share your thoughts. Should every employee be given a chance to peak?

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