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Grow with Survey


Gaining important insights through survey research is an efficient decision-making strategy. It’s a sensible way to make good calls when a difficult decision is required, one requiring relevant feedback from stakeholders such as customers or employees.

Survey research methods are used for everything from distinguishing a target market to ensuring employees feel they are part of a positive work environment.

In this article, we explore why surveys are a good research method, when to use them, and how to utilize them to serve business goals.

Why is Survey a good research Method?

  • When you need to understand or collect quantitative data.

  • Can derive conclusions from a larger population.

  • Can derive insights from focus groups.

  • People are more comfortable in answering surveys compare to face to face.

  • data privacy and confidentiality.

  • Easy to use in a go.

  • Cost-effective and less time-consuming.

How can we make a survey effective?

  • Need to understand the Research Goal and gather the right attributes.

  • Frame Right questions aligned to the survey goal.

  • Make the respondents feel special

  • Have open-ended questions wherever necessary. For eg, Exit interviews need open-ended questions

  • Product reviews need quantitative and open-ended questions for analysis.

  • Have some demographic questions wherein we can derive insights.

Where are the major business areas survey will be effective?

  • Market Research

  • Employee Satisfaction

  • Exit Interview

  • Customer Satisfaction

  • Brand Awareness

  • Event/Performance Evaluation

  • and the list goes on wherever we need diagnostics we need surveys to understand.

Here at Peopleverse, we discuss and come up with the right attributes for the survey to be successful, do the data analysis and come up with Diagnostic, Predictive and Prescriptive analysis for your business to grow.

Please feel free to check the Process demo and reach us at 9840155784 for further details.

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