Sometimes "You don't Lose when you Snooze". Yes, it is a trending topic in Asian organizations about providing naptime to employees after lunch.

There was a buzz on social media about one organization in India officially scheduling a catnap time for its employees.
In major parts of South Korea, it is an authorized practice to allow nap time even up to 1 hour, it is called a Siesta program. Why nap of 20-30 minutes is considered, as it can help improve mood, alertness, and performance, without leaving you groggy.
As we are Peopleverse let me explain the science to you; after lunch, the brain diverts blood to the stomach and the body consumes 2X of oxygen than usual after a meal. If you sleep for a while, the brain would have met its goal of oxygen delivery to the body. If not, you would find people yawning in meetings after lunch, not because they are tired. The brain is asking for more oxygen. The body naturally slows down to produce melatonin, a hormone produced by the brain.
Sometimes the indoor air quality in offices plays a huge factor in your yawning, especially in conference rooms when the level of carbon dioxide increases, as everyone would be breathing out higher CO2 after lunch.
After the cat, birds can travel vast distances non-stop. Great frigatebirds, for example, can fly continuously for up to two months. they nap mid-flight.
From my interaction with researchers, napping for 20 minutes between 1 and 4 pm time of the day will provide you with the most bang for your buck. It enhances alertness and motor performance lowers stress levels and jumps your memory.
We are in the business of bringing the application of human science-based employee programs to organizations. If you would like us to work with you to scientifically curate employee practices and programs, do not hesitate to reach us
Srinivas A